The past two years were all about distance. During this time, people grew apart, and intimacy took a severe hit as a result. While we may be living during a pandemic, some of us long to regain control over our bodies – particularly our sexual health. If you’ve noticed a decline in your libido or have been experiencing pain during intercourse, we can help! At Lotus, we offer a range of sexual medicine services to empower our patients.
Intimacy is a vital part of life; we appreciate that. A loss of passion can be disastrous for some, but this phenomenon is not always purely psychological. In some cases, women may experience hormonal changes that can have far-reaching effects on their health. If you’ve been feeling uninterested in sex or experiencing complications, we urge you to come in for a consultation. At Lotus, we take your health seriously and will do everything we can to identify the cause of your problems and work to improve your health.
Are Hormones to Blame?
Sexual medicine does not revolve around hormones. However, hormonal imbalances are common culprits in cases of sexual dysfunction. Many women experience fluctuations in their hormones, but drastic changes can still catch you off guard if you’re not prepared. Of all the dramatic changes women undergo, menopause can cause the most significant shock to the system.
When a woman undergoes menopause, her estrogen and progesterone levels take a nosedive. This causes a lot of symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, vaginal dryness, and even a loss of libido. By restoring these hormones to their pre-transition levels, we can minimize these symptoms and help you regain control over your sexual health.
How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?
Interested in HRT? You’ll be happy to know that treatments take little time and don’t require any bed rest afterward. This treatment is delivered using pellets that are about the size of a grain of rice. They’re inserted after a small incision in the skin and help maintain your hormone levels for months at a time.
The process of inserting a pellet takes only 10 minutes to perform. After placement, the pellet dissolves over time and releases a steady flow of hormones. Not only does this alleviate hot flashes and night sweats – but it can also improve your libido!

Other Sexual Medicine Treatment Options
At Lotus, all of our sexual medicine treatments are comprehensive. Dr. Jehangir takes a holistic, individualized approach; she’s not afraid to “step out of the box” when it comes to finding a solution for her patients.
Along with hormone replacement therapy, we also offer surgical treatments, physical therapy, and therapeutic treatment combinations. One of our most popular treatments for menopause is the Sciton diVa. This laser device can be a great option for addressing vaginal dryness and painful intercourse.
We also provide the Orgasm Enhancing Shot through our sister practice, Alchemy Wellness. For women, the Orgasm Enhancing Shot can treat decreased sex drive, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and more.
Explore Sexual Medicine Treatments in Austin, TX
Restore your sexual health and regain control this new year! Get in touch with Dr. Jehangir at Lotus to learn more about our treatment options. Get in touch by dialing (512) 716-0971 or filling out the form below.