The natural process of aging can take a physical toll and lead to dramatic changes in a woman’s body. When coupled with childbearing and the hormonal changes brought on by menopause, aging can cause significant alternations in genitalia form and function. This can be problematic, as these changes can affect a woman’s quality of life. Common issues including vaginal laxity, stress urinary incontinence, a decline in lubrication, and a decreased sex drive are just some of the issues that older women can experience. While many people struggle with these issues, most rarely seek treatment due to a fear of surgery and a lack of information on non-surgical alternatives.
If these alterations sound familiar to you, there is help available. At Lotus, we utilize a range of non-surgical treatment options aimed at improving women’s vaginal health. Unlike traditional options that require surgery, these treatments are non-invasive or minimally-invasive. This means that the effects expected from these treatments can be achieved with minimal if any, downtime. Below is an exploration of the treatment options offered at our Austin, TX center and some of the concerns they address.
What Are Non-surgical Aesthetic Genital Procedures?
Non-surgical genital procedures often utilize radio-frequency or laser energy to induce collagen tightening. Similarly, a range of filler options is also sometimes used to improve clitoral function and libido. The field of nonsurgical aesthetic genital procedures is growing as the changes women experience receive ever-increasing attention. At Lotus, we feel proud to be a part of this advancing trajectory in women’s health. When you get in touch with our Austin team, we will do everything possible to ensure that you receive the proper care you deserve.
What Concerns Can Non-surgical Treatment Address?
Treatment courses are highly dependent on specific patient needs. Therefore, when you arrive for your appointment, we will need to do a thorough evaluation before determining whether a non-surgical option is applicable. However, there are several concerns that we can generally tackle without the need for invasive procedures. Some of these include:
Sexual Health Concerns
Sexual health concerns can encompass a range of issues from pain during intercourse to a lack of arousal. If you’ve found that your love life has been struggling lately, the issue may be due to a hormonal imbalance or menopausal changes. In either case, our team at Lotus can offer a thorough evaluation and determine the best non-surgical treatment option to fit your needs.
Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness and atrophy often go hand-in-hand. Much like painful sex symptoms, vaginal dryness is often a side effect of undergoing menopause. As a woman’s estrogen levels decline, vaginal lubrication also diminishes. This issue can be extremely problematic for a woman’s sex life, as it often causes discomfort during intercourse.

What Are the Treatment Options?
At Lotus, we work hard to facilitate the best treatment outcome while minimizing any and all discomfort you may feel during treatment. We understand that vaginal health is a sensitive subject and will do all we can to help you feel at ease. Some of our most popular and effective treatment options for address vaginal concerns include:
Hormone Replacement Therapy
The bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offered at our center uses hormones specifically designed to match the hormones of an individual patient and replace those that are not being produced in sufficient quantities by the body. These hormones are chemically identical to the hormones produced by your body, so you are not introducing anything foreign into your system. The BHRT procedures performed at our center are done using small pellets. These pellets are inserted under your skin in a minimally-invasive fashion and provide effective hormonal regulation for months at a time.
Sexual Medicine
The sexual health treatments offered at Lotus are comprehensive. Dr. Jehangir takes a holistic, individualized approach to treating patients. While some concerns may be resolved through medicational or nutritional methods, other treatments may require physical therapy. Dr. Jehangir will discuss with you all of your treatment options and will be extremely resourceful in finding you a solution to your problem.
Sciton diVa Laser
Sciton diVa is the world’s first and only revolutionary Hybrid Fractional Laser (HFL) for the treatment of vaginal tissue. This miraculous laser system relies on HALO™ dual fractionated technology to deliver both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to the same microscopic treatment zone. This dual functionality allows for highly customizable procedures. The first laser resurfaces the layers of the vaginal wall, stimulating the growth of brand new, healthy tissue. The second laser promotes this process by heating the layers of tissue, further triggering an inflammatory response to promote healthy cellular activity in the vaginal skin.

Your Lotus Non-surgical Procedure Consultation
During your non-surgical aesthetic genital procedure consultation, you can expect us to ask the following questions:
- What are your treatment goals?
- Are you suffering from any medical conditions or drug allergies?
- Are you on any current medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements
- Do you use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs?
- Have you had any previous treatments or surgeries?
Additionally, we will likely do the following:
- Evaluate your general health.
- Take photographs, if necessary.
- Discuss your treatment options.
- Provide you with a thorough treatment recommendation.
- Discuss your likely outcomes and potential complications.
- Discuss the use of anesthesia, if applicable.
Explore Non-surgical Gential Health Procedures in Austin, TX
If you have been experiencing sexual problems, we at Lotus may be able to help. To set up an appointment to discuss your symptoms and potential treatments, contact Lotus at (512) 716-0971 or fill out the form below.